Thursday, October 11, 2012

Aster integration into the Teradata Analytical ecosystem continues at pace…

Not long after Teradata acquired Aster in April last year we outlined a roadmap as to how Aster would integrate into the Teradata Analytical ecosystem.

Aster-Teradata Adapter

Clearly, the first priority was to delivera high speed interconnect between Aster And Teradata. The Aster-Teradata adapter is based on the Teradata Parallel Transporter API and provides ahigh-speed link to transfer data between the two platforms. It allows parallel data transfers between Aster and Teradata, with each Aster Worker connecting toa Teradata AMP. This connector is part of the Aster SQL-MR library, with all data transfers initiated through AsterSQL.
The Aster-Teradata adapter offers fast and efficient data access. Users can build views in the Aster Database on tables stored in Teradata. Aster Database users can access and perform joins on Teradata-stored data as if it were stored in the Aster Database. Data scientists can run Aster’s native analytic modules,such as nPath pattern matching, to explore data in the Teradata Integrated DataWarehouse. Users now have the capability to Investigate & Discover in Teradata Aster, then Integrate & Operationalize in the Data Warehouse.

This example below shows the load_from_teradata connector being called from within an Aster SQL query:

SELECT userid, age, sessionid,pageid

FROM nPath(

ON (

select * fromclicks,


on mr_driver tdpid(‘EDW')

credentials ('tduser’)

query(‘SELECT userid, age, gender, income FROM td_user_tbl;')

) T

where clicks.userid =T.userid )

PARTITION BY userid, sessionid

RESULT ( FIRST(age of A) as age, … )

This example shows the load_to_teradata component, with analytic processing on Aster withresults being sent to a Teradata target table:


FROM load_to_teradata(

ON ( aster_target_customers )

tdpid (‘dbc’)





Viewpoint Integration

We have just announced Aster integration with Teradata Viewpoint, with release of 14.01 of Viewpoint and Aster 5.0. Viewpoint's single operational view (SOV) monitoring has been extended to include support for Teradata Aster. Teradata wanted to leverage as many of the existing portlets as possible for easier navigation, familiarity, and support for theViewpoint SOV strategy. So the following existing portlets were extended to include support for Aster:

System Health

Query Monitor

Capacity Heatmap

Metrics Graph

Metrics Analysis

Space Usage

Admin - Teradata Systems

However not all the needs of Teradata Aster's differing architecture made sense to put into an existing portlet. Therefore there are two new Aster specific portlets in this release.

Aster Completed Processes

Aster Node Monitor

Some screenshots:

Check out the complete article on Viewpoint 14.01 release at the Teradata Developer Exchange here.
Stay tuned for some very exciting news coming next week...


Scott Havenor said...

Given the new Viewpoint capabilities, is there still a need for the Aster Management Console?

Scott Havenor said...

Given all this new Viewpoint functionality, do we still need the Aster Management Console, Ganglia, and/or Nagios to manage nCluster?

Unknown said...

Scott I think in time Viewpoint, could replace the Aster Management Console, but not with this release, there is still more functionality to implement. As for Ganglia, I think the Teradata Management Server now provides better H/W management and is integrated with our support services for those customers who choose our Appliance 3H